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Secure Browser Access to Code-Server Behind Pomerium Zero

In this guide, you'll run code-server's Visual Studio Code (VSCode) in a Docker container, and secure browser access to your project with Pomerium.

What is Code-server?

Code-server is an open-source tool that allows you to run VSCode, a popular integrated development environment (IDE), on a remote server through the browser. This setup essentially turns VSCode into a cloud-based IDE, providing flexibility and accessibility advantages.

Code-server is particularly popular among developers who want the full power of VSCode, but need to work in a cloud-based environment. This is ideal if you work on multiple machines, need to access your development environment remotely, or you have limited local resources.

How to secure Code-server with Pomerium

Code-server requires password authentication by default. By securing code-server behind Pomerium, you can remove code-server’s password requirement and configure Pomerium to add authentication and authorization to an online instance of VSCode.

This guide shows you how to secure code-server with Pomerium. Here are the steps you’ll follow:

  1. Install code-server and run it in a Docker container

  2. Access your code-server project in the browser listening on localhost

  3. Configure Pomerium to safely expose your code-server instance

By the end, you will have a minimal, real-world code-server instance that allows developer teams to write code using VSCode in the browser.

A code-server VSCode project running in the browser behind Pomerium.

Before you start

This guide uses Docker to run Pomerium Zero and Code-Server services in containers.

To complete this guide, you need:

Configure Pomerium Zero

Create a policy

In the Zero Console:

  1. Go to Policies
  2. Select New Policy
  3. Give it a Name and an (optional) Description
  4. Add an Allow Block and select an AND operator
  5. Keep the Domain criteria and replace Value with the domain portion of your email address (the part after “@”)

Save your policy.

Create a route

In the Zero Console:

  1. Select Routes
  2. Add a New Route
  3. Give it a Name (like Codeserver)
  4. In From:, add the external URL to our Codeserver route
  5. In To:, add the internal URL
  6. In the Policies field, select the Codeserver policy
  7. Select the Timeouts tab and Allow Websockets

Add Docker Compose Services

First, make sure your docker-compose.yaml file contains the images to run Pomerium Zero and Codeserver:

image: pomerium/pomerium:v0.27.1
- 443:443
restart: always
XDG_CACHE_HOME: /var/cache
- pomerium-cache:/var/cache
- authenticate.<CLUSTER_SUBDOMAIN>
image: codercom/code-server:latest
main: {}
- 8080:8080
command: --auth none --disable-telemetry /home/coder/project
- ./code-server:/home/coder/project
- ./code-server-config/.config:/home/coder/.config

In line 7, replace CLUSTER_TOKEN with your own.

In line 14, replace CLUSTER_SUBDOMAIN with your own. For example, if your starter domain is, the URL would be

Access Code-server

Run docker compose up and go to your external URL.

After authenticating against our hosted Identity Provider, Pomerium will redirect you to your code-server instance.

Build a project in Code-server

Now that you can access VSCode in your browser, test out code-server by building a quick HTML project.

  1. Create an index.html file and add the following code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<title>Code-Server Sample</title>
<h1 style="color:blueviolet">Check out more from Pomerium:</h1>
<ul style="font-size: 20px;">
<li><a href="<>">Guides</a></li>
<li><a href="<>">Blog</a></li>
<li><a href="<>">Documentation</a></li>
<h2 style="color:blueviolet">Happy coding!</h2>
  1. Go to Extensions and install Live Server
  2. Right-click index.html and select Open with Live Server
  3. Select any of the links to learn more about Pomerium

Great job! You successfully deployed code-server.


When the code-server container is rebuilt, any files outside of /home/coder/project are reset, removing any dependencies (such as go and make). In a real remote development workflow, you could mount additional volumes, or use a custom code-server container with these dependencies installed.